“The fox knows a lot of things, but the hedgehog knows one thing.” This statement, credited to the ancient Greek poet Archilochus, has been used by philosophers to express the idea that a person might be either a generalist or a specialist. So, the fox is broad-minded and capable of dealing with a wide range of problems, the hedgehog is someone who can apply profound experience in a narrow subject.
Basically hedgehog-fox ideas are leadership styles that divide people into two categories: Hedgehogs are more narrowly focused and single-minded in their vision, but foxes are deep and sophisticated thinkers that draw on a wide range of sources, experiences, evaluate many scenarios and pathways to achievement.
What about in the world of tech? Where do you find yourself either as a newbie or an expert in this world within this oversimplified philosophy? In the world of tech, a person who knows a bit of everything whether it be graphic design, digital marketing, product design, content creating etc is a fox because the individual is not talented in any of the aforementioned areas, it is possible that the individual is testing the waters before focusing on one ability. You can refer to a hedgehog as an expert in tech since he or she has weighed the advantages and drawbacks of many disciplines and has opted to specialize on one specific skill. This individual is solely concerned with one career.
If you consider yourself a fox in the world of tech, should you be worried? Personally, No! Because, in this day and age, when so much information is at your fingertips and vying for your attention, knowing a little bit of everything is beneficial. It opens your mind to new ways of thinking and encourages you to be creative in all aspects. Adaptive intelligence will be necessary in the tech industry environment that is constantly evolving and changing before our eyes. Along with adaptable intelligence, there will be a requirement to think and act like a fox.
To summarize, “Foxes get it right, but hedgehogs get it done!” In other words, any person’s long-term success requires both the ability to execute today and the ability to innovate for tomorrow, and this type of success can only be achieved through a combination of these strategic leadership styles. Know a little bit of everything but also be focused on one skill. Be both in the tech world because it is an evolving industry.
Kickstart your career in tech. Enrol for our courses at Torilo Academy Now.
To know if you are a fox, a hedgehog or both click here to take a test.
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